Sportello CR-U Cremona Città Universitaria - english version

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The Helpdesk was opened in February 2001 after the signature of the Convention with the ISU of the following universities: Pavia and Brescia State Universities, Catholic University in Milan and Piacenza, Technical Sciences University in Milan.
The Helpdesk aims at:
- facilitating houses’ search for students promoting direct contracts with the owners;
- distributing forms to obtain the benefits offered by the School Rights’ Associations (scholarships, contribution for taxes, meal tickets) proving assistance to fill the proper forms in;
- informing students and universities concerning educational and cultural activities organized in the town;
- informing students concerning possible choices for their university future disseminating publications and guides about local universities;
- free distribution of the University Card;
- free distribution in high schools of the Student Cards .

Thanks to the convention signed by the Municipality with the Trade Unions and the Patronages, it’s possible to have free assistance to present the necessary documents to get law benefits.

The Helpdesk contributed to the birth of the University Students’ Board; at the moment it is cooperating with the Board for the organization of various cultural initiatives.

Since the 11th of July 2005 the Assistance and Advisory Helpdesk for University Students of the Culture Department has received by CERMET the quality certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 concerning "Planning and provision of information and provision of counselling and information for citizens" in the framework of the renewal of the certification of the Informagiovani Agency.

The helpdesk distributes all the necessary forms (and provides assistance to fill them in) to benefit from the services offered by the ISU of the town Universities (meal tickets, scholarships, loans etc).
The Helpdesk provides information concerning cultural and leisure activities organized by local universities in cooperation with the Municipality and with the "University Students’ Board of Cremona".
In particular is provided information concerning projects for university students and general counselling on the universities of the territory.

Ufficio di riferimento

Destinatari del servizio

The beneficiaries of the Service are the university students of Cremona and the students from Cremona who study in other cities.

Costo del procedimento

la domanda deve essere presentata in carta semplice e non prevede costi di marche da bollo o diritti di segreteria

Costo del servizio


Come accedere al servizio

Agenzia Servizi Informagiovani
Via Palestro, 17
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 407911 - 03710407950 - Fax 0372 407960

If you need the service please go to the Helpdesk to get information, materials and forms. The service is free. The requested information can be provided also by telephone or emails.
Assistance and Advisory Helpdesk for University Students.
Tel. 0372-407911 -0372-407950 - Fax 0372.407960

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