Cremona: Sportello orientamento al lavoro - servizio ACLI COLF - english version

Versione stampabileVersione stampabile
Via Cardinal G. Massaia, 22
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 800400

destinatari dell'ufficio

open to all
Job Information
Trade Unions and patronages

It’s an helpdesk which offers counselling services especially for house assistants (home helpers, carers, immigrants).
The service can also provide support for procedures concerning regulations on contracts.
The service for home helpers and carers provides assistance concerning:
* hiring and contracts
* pay-sheets
* CUD form
* INPS bullettins
* TFR, holidays, illnesses
* advisory on contracts for house works
* labour counselling helpdesk

Cost of membership:

You must arrange an appointment:
* Monday from 8,30 a.m. to 12,30 p.m.
* Tuesday; from 8,30 a.m. to 12,30 p.m.
* Wednesday from 8,30 a.m. to 4,30 p.m.
* Thursday from 8,30 a.m. to 12,30 p.m.
* Friday from 8,30 a.m. to 12,30 p.m.
* Saturday from 8,30 a.m. to 12,30 p.m.

Further information:

Ente di riferimento: