26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 433432 - Fax 0372 590869
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Employment agencies
Recruitment Agency – human resources’ selection for companies.
Human resources’ selection (Labour Ministry Decree n. 20710; 28th of January 2006)
Vocational guidance interviews, CV’s database management. Job demand/offer. L-gest is open to everybody: if you arrange an appointment you can come, leave your CV and have a vocational guidance interview.
The service carried out by L-Gest is paid by the customer companies, the candidates do not have to pay anything, as it is indicated in the regulations.
Other seats in the province:
Crema: Via G.Di Vittorio, 2 - 26013 Crema CR
Further information:
Job Information
Employment agencies
Recruitment Agency – human resources’ selection for companies.
Human resources’ selection (Labour Ministry Decree n. 20710; 28th of January 2006)
Vocational guidance interviews, CV’s database management. Job demand/offer. L-gest is open to everybody: if you arrange an appointment you can come, leave your CV and have a vocational guidance interview.
The service carried out by L-Gest is paid by the customer companies, the candidates do not have to pay anything, as it is indicated in the regulations.
Other seats in the province:
Crema: Via G.Di Vittorio, 2 - 26013 Crema CR
Further information: