Cremona: Apindustria - associazione piccole e medie industrie della provincia di Cremona - english version

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26100 Cremona CR
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Job Information
Professionals’ Association

The Association signed a convention with the Internships Helpdesk of Lombardy Region in order to promote and support training internships in SMEs of the territory.
The Association runs a s service for job demand/offer with an archive of Professional CVs which can be consulted by all the companies which want to hire new employees. (TRAINING SELECTION DEPARTMENT). You can enter the archive without paying.
It is possible to add to the database the curricula going to Informagiovani Agency in Cremona or to other seats of the Provincial Net. The curricula remain in the database forever.
It also organizes medium-short courses concerning company organization and/or safety for operators of the sector.

The Association wants to strengthen the link between entrepreneurial and training sector. For this reason it signed with Milan University, Catholic Milan University and Milan Engineering School framework conventions to define the general rules and speed up the administrative procedures for training and vocational guidance internships in API companies of students of those universities (also the students who are attending specialization courses or who concluded the studies 18 months before).


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