26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 442211 - Fax 0372 451772
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Professionals’ Association
Via Lucchini, 105
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 442211 - Fax 0372 451772
* Craftsmen representation, defence and development;
* Assistance for start-up and management;
* Organization of training courses for national and international truck drivers;
* Training courses for craftsmen and their employees;
* Fiscal and contract assistance;
* Patronage Institutions;
* Credit Office; easy access to loans;
* Assistance for environmental, safety and quality procedures
* Credit advisory office: assistance with credit institutions, financial management support
* Family Right and Successions Office
* CNA World Helpdesk: for foreign entrepreneurs or employers with foreign employees
Other seats of the territory:
* Crema: Via del Macello, 21/d - tel. 0373 80384 - 0373 82784 - 0373 257726 - fax 0373 80384
* Soresina: Via Bertesi, 6 - tel. 0374 343049 - 0374 341016 - fax: 0373 80384
* Casalmaggiore: Via Marcheselli, 72 - tel. 0375 43824 - fax 0375 341016
* Pandino: Via Milano, 45 - tel. 0373 921252 (from Monday to Friday from 9,00 am to 12,15 pm
* Castelleone: Via Bressanoro, 44 - tel. 0374 56476 (Wednesday and Friday from 8,00 am to 12,30 pm)
* Casalbuttano: Via Cavallotti, 22 - tel. 0374 362569 (Tuesday and Thursday from 8,30 am to 12,00 pm)
* Pizzighettone: Via V.Emanuele, 9 - tel. 0372 745169 (Tuesday and Thursday from 8,30 am to 12,00 pm)
* Piadena: Via Libertà, 2 - tel. 0375 980192 (Tuesday and Thursday from 9,00 am to 12,30 pm)
Job Information
Professionals’ Association
Via Lucchini, 105
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 442211 - Fax 0372 451772
* Craftsmen representation, defence and development;
* Assistance for start-up and management;
* Organization of training courses for national and international truck drivers;
* Training courses for craftsmen and their employees;
* Fiscal and contract assistance;
* Patronage Institutions;
* Credit Office; easy access to loans;
* Assistance for environmental, safety and quality procedures
* Credit advisory office: assistance with credit institutions, financial management support
* Family Right and Successions Office
* CNA World Helpdesk: for foreign entrepreneurs or employers with foreign employees
Other seats of the territory:
* Crema: Via del Macello, 21/d - tel. 0373 80384 - 0373 82784 - 0373 257726 - fax 0373 80384
* Soresina: Via Bertesi, 6 - tel. 0374 343049 - 0374 341016 - fax: 0373 80384
* Casalmaggiore: Via Marcheselli, 72 - tel. 0375 43824 - fax 0375 341016
* Pandino: Via Milano, 45 - tel. 0373 921252 (from Monday to Friday from 9,00 am to 12,15 pm
* Castelleone: Via Bressanoro, 44 - tel. 0374 56476 (Wednesday and Friday from 8,00 am to 12,30 pm)
* Casalbuttano: Via Cavallotti, 22 - tel. 0374 362569 (Tuesday and Thursday from 8,30 am to 12,00 pm)
* Pizzighettone: Via V.Emanuele, 9 - tel. 0372 745169 (Tuesday and Thursday from 8,30 am to 12,00 pm)
* Piadena: Via Libertà, 2 - tel. 0375 980192 (Tuesday and Thursday from 9,00 am to 12,30 pm)