Provincia di Cremona (english version)

Versione stampabileVersione stampabile
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 4061 - Fax 0372 406318

destinatari dell'ufficio

tutti i cittadini
The Province, local authority intermediate between the City and the Region, representing their community, takes care of the interests, promotes and coordinates the development.

General Secretariat
institutional Affairs
Units for the control and transparency
Local Police
Area vasta
Programmazione and valutazione
Risorse economic and financial
Human health and safety
Contracts and Legal
Communication, Information Systems, Culture and Tourism
Employment, training and social policies
Agriculture and environment
Spatial planning and transport
Programming and road infrastructure
Maintenance and development of the road network
Heritage and provveditorato

For further details, see the website.


Ente di riferimento: