FIPE - Federazione italiana pubblici esercizi - Cremona - english version

Versione stampabileVersione stampabile
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 567611 - Fax 0372 567630

destinatari dell'ufficio

tutti i cittadini
* Defend and safeguard public business
* Training, information and advisory service

Provision of the service:
Curricula collection filling the form at Informagiovani in Cremona; Requirements: experience in public business. No deadline.

Other seats in the Province:
* Soresina - Via Genala, n.54 - Tel 340 5233543
* Casalmaggiore - Via Cavour, 55 - Tel. 0375 203721
* Crema - Via del Commercio, 33 tel. 0373 399988


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