26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 499811 - Fax 0372 499899
dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8,00 alle 12,30 e dalle 14,00 alle 17,30.
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Professionals’ Association
* It represents farms, farmers and stakeholders of the farming and agro-farming sector at national, European and International level.
* It promotes socio-cultural, professional, entrepreneurial and union development of young members, ensuring life-long training.
* Training
* Courses
- Qualification, re-training, union training courses
- Phytosanitary Products Licence
* Information and dissemination
- Conferences, meetings, assemblies, exhibitions, tade shows
Trade Union
- Inheritances
- Assistance and advisory for farms’ purchase
- Rent, commodatum contracts
- Conciliation
- Fees’ calculation and payment
- Assistance and advisory for pre-emption relationships (law 590/75 and 817/71)
- Usufruct cancellation
- Expropriations
- Appraisals
- Legal assistance
- Land registry changes
- Milk quotas and CAP legal assistance
- Model 26
- Buildings’ down-grading
- Wells
- Water provision
- Authorization for agricultural products sales
- Quality and nutrition haccp certification, EU regulations on food traceability
- Agricultural machines’ registration
- Lower fuels (ex. UMA)
- Traffic authorizations
- Nitates Directive Advisory Service
Economic-technical sector
- Cooperation and group-agriculture
- Inter-professional Contracts
- Economic Institutions
- Production sectors
- Prices and markets
- EU and national regulations
- Facilitation for purchase of agriculture terrains (small farms)
- Law opportunities
- Natural disasters
Credit and Finance
Thanks to the cooperative AGRIFIDI
- short and medium term funding for improvements, purchases and investments
Town planning
- Analysis of the impact of interventions on the territory
- Observation on General Regulatory Plans
- Mobility
- Environmental Agricultural Plans
Environment and territory
* Environment
- Forestry Support
- Energy supply chain and its development
- Agriculture garbage management
- Technical-administrative advisory service
- Drainage and irrigation
- VIA (Evaluation Environmental Impact) analysis
Agritour Promotion
It is carried out by Terra nostra, the Association for tourism in rural environment. It provides:
- Information and assistance for companies
- Health certificates
- Authorization forms
- Application forms for funds
- Marketing & Promotion
To be part of the Federation the subjects who are members of the categories indicated at article 4 of the statue must fill in the specific form and send it to the Direction Board of the Federation.
Every member must pay an annual fee according to the rules established by the Direction Board.
Subjects who can be our members:
* Professional famers
* Farming enterpreneurs (art.2135 of the Civil Code); agricultural producers, owners of agricultural terrains and agricultural workers.
* Producers’ organizations and institutions for development of agricolture
Related Structures: Agrifidi, Consorzio di Difesa delle colture agrarie di Cremona, Ass. Reg. Produttori cereali e semi oleosi della Lombardia, Agricola Produttori Zootecnici, Ass. Prov. Produttori apistici, Epaca - Ente di patrocinio ed assistenza per cittadini e l'agricoltura - Patronato Coldiretti per i servizi alle persone
Further information:
Job Information
Professionals’ Association
* It represents farms, farmers and stakeholders of the farming and agro-farming sector at national, European and International level.
* It promotes socio-cultural, professional, entrepreneurial and union development of young members, ensuring life-long training.
* Training
* Courses
- Qualification, re-training, union training courses
- Phytosanitary Products Licence
* Information and dissemination
- Conferences, meetings, assemblies, exhibitions, tade shows
Trade Union
- Inheritances
- Assistance and advisory for farms’ purchase
- Rent, commodatum contracts
- Conciliation
- Fees’ calculation and payment
- Assistance and advisory for pre-emption relationships (law 590/75 and 817/71)
- Usufruct cancellation
- Expropriations
- Appraisals
- Legal assistance
- Land registry changes
- Milk quotas and CAP legal assistance
- Model 26
- Buildings’ down-grading
- Wells
- Water provision
- Authorization for agricultural products sales
- Quality and nutrition haccp certification, EU regulations on food traceability
- Agricultural machines’ registration
- Lower fuels (ex. UMA)
- Traffic authorizations
- Nitates Directive Advisory Service
Economic-technical sector
- Cooperation and group-agriculture
- Inter-professional Contracts
- Economic Institutions
- Production sectors
- Prices and markets
- EU and national regulations
- Facilitation for purchase of agriculture terrains (small farms)
- Law opportunities
- Natural disasters
Credit and Finance
Thanks to the cooperative AGRIFIDI
- short and medium term funding for improvements, purchases and investments
Town planning
- Analysis of the impact of interventions on the territory
- Observation on General Regulatory Plans
- Mobility
- Environmental Agricultural Plans
Environment and territory
* Environment
- Forestry Support
- Energy supply chain and its development
- Agriculture garbage management
- Technical-administrative advisory service
- Drainage and irrigation
- VIA (Evaluation Environmental Impact) analysis
Agritour Promotion
It is carried out by Terra nostra, the Association for tourism in rural environment. It provides:
- Information and assistance for companies
- Health certificates
- Authorization forms
- Application forms for funds
- Marketing & Promotion
To be part of the Federation the subjects who are members of the categories indicated at article 4 of the statue must fill in the specific form and send it to the Direction Board of the Federation.
Every member must pay an annual fee according to the rules established by the Direction Board.
Subjects who can be our members:
* Professional famers
* Farming enterpreneurs (art.2135 of the Civil Code); agricultural producers, owners of agricultural terrains and agricultural workers.
* Producers’ organizations and institutions for development of agricolture
Related Structures: Agrifidi, Consorzio di Difesa delle colture agrarie di Cremona, Ass. Reg. Produttori cereali e semi oleosi della Lombardia, Agricola Produttori Zootecnici, Ass. Prov. Produttori apistici, Epaca - Ente di patrocinio ed assistenza per cittadini e l'agricoltura - Patronato Coldiretti per i servizi alle persone
Further information: