26100 Cremona CR
Tel. Tel. 0372 1786314 interno 4 Tel. 0372 415603
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives
The cooperative fosters human wellbeing and social integration of citizens through health and social services. It aims at answering the needs of disadvantaged people (and their families) with particular attention to people who live social problems: exclusion, handicap, drug-addiction, psychiatric patients.
1) The cooperative runs a “Daytime Shelter” (for 40 people) for psychiatric patients accredited at Lombardy Region. The activities are tailored on individual projects for each single user:
*Specific paths to get useful skills to manage social life;
* Development of expressive and communicative skills through theatre plays or participation to cultural events;
* Wood, paper and decoupage workshops;
* Leisure activities (trips, holidays, sports)
The Daytime Centre is open from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm with the presence of operators 8 hours in a day.
NB: there are canteen and transportation services
2) The Cooperative runs a Territorial Centre and a Daytime Centre for Neuropsychiatric Patients. The two centres are accredited at Lombardy Region.
The Daytime Centre is open from Monday to Friday, from 9,00 am to 5,00 pm. It can welcome 15 minors and it offers various services: neuro-psichiatry, speech therapy, music-therapy, expressivity and educational interventions.
The activities are destined to minors who live in Cremona territory and who have one or more of these disorders:
* neurological disorders: autism, epilepsy etc;
*psychiatric disorders: depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety, nutrition disorders etc.;
* neuro-psycologic disorders: learning or speaking problems etc.
All these subjects need special shelters where they can establish good relationships with peers and adults to start again a normal life.
The users are usually sent to our structures by the service UONPIA, the social services or by families and associations.
3) In-house educational support to psychiatric patients.
It is a social cooperative which works in the educational., intercultural and immigration sector.
The cooperative offers the following services:
Italian language courses: since 2002 it has been organizing Italian courses for adult foreign people;
Vocational guidance information desks: since 2002 some officials of the cooperative have been carrying out information activities in various social help-desks of the territory. The cooperative offers legal, health and vocational guidance services.
Language-cultural mediation: the cooperative carries out integration interventions in social, health, educational and legal sector thanks to the cooperation with trained foreign officials.
Youth Meeting Centre: the cooperative’s operators have been running since 1991 the Meeting Centre in Vescovato with school-support and leisure activities;
Youth Centre: in 2003 it was opened a leisure service for the night activities of Italian and foreign teenagers;
Summer Centre: every year the cooperative organizes Summer activities for 6-15 years old children;
Psychological help-desk: financed with the law.285/97 it is directed to teachers, parents and students of Vescovato School;
Vocational guidance help-desk: in order to reduce the drop-out phenomenon. It carries out information and support activities for young people till 18 years old.
Personalized educational activities, multicultural animation: workshops and activities. Dinners, games and stories of other countries for children and adults;
Big multicultural events: organization and promotion (for municipalities and other institutions) of exhibitions, theatre shows, cinema festivals;
Shelves: the cooperative organizes shelves and multicultural libraries. It creates specials portfolios about music, cinema and books of other cultures.
Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives
The cooperative fosters human wellbeing and social integration of citizens through health and social services. It aims at answering the needs of disadvantaged people (and their families) with particular attention to people who live social problems: exclusion, handicap, drug-addiction, psychiatric patients.
1) The cooperative runs a “Daytime Shelter” (for 40 people) for psychiatric patients accredited at Lombardy Region. The activities are tailored on individual projects for each single user:
*Specific paths to get useful skills to manage social life;
* Development of expressive and communicative skills through theatre plays or participation to cultural events;
* Wood, paper and decoupage workshops;
* Leisure activities (trips, holidays, sports)
The Daytime Centre is open from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm with the presence of operators 8 hours in a day.
NB: there are canteen and transportation services
2) The Cooperative runs a Territorial Centre and a Daytime Centre for Neuropsychiatric Patients. The two centres are accredited at Lombardy Region.
The Daytime Centre is open from Monday to Friday, from 9,00 am to 5,00 pm. It can welcome 15 minors and it offers various services: neuro-psichiatry, speech therapy, music-therapy, expressivity and educational interventions.
The activities are destined to minors who live in Cremona territory and who have one or more of these disorders:
* neurological disorders: autism, epilepsy etc;
*psychiatric disorders: depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety, nutrition disorders etc.;
* neuro-psycologic disorders: learning or speaking problems etc.
All these subjects need special shelters where they can establish good relationships with peers and adults to start again a normal life.
The users are usually sent to our structures by the service UONPIA, the social services or by families and associations.
3) In-house educational support to psychiatric patients.
It is a social cooperative which works in the educational., intercultural and immigration sector.
The cooperative offers the following services:
Italian language courses: since 2002 it has been organizing Italian courses for adult foreign people;
Vocational guidance information desks: since 2002 some officials of the cooperative have been carrying out information activities in various social help-desks of the territory. The cooperative offers legal, health and vocational guidance services.
Language-cultural mediation: the cooperative carries out integration interventions in social, health, educational and legal sector thanks to the cooperation with trained foreign officials.
Youth Meeting Centre: the cooperative’s operators have been running since 1991 the Meeting Centre in Vescovato with school-support and leisure activities;
Youth Centre: in 2003 it was opened a leisure service for the night activities of Italian and foreign teenagers;
Summer Centre: every year the cooperative organizes Summer activities for 6-15 years old children;
Psychological help-desk: financed with the law.285/97 it is directed to teachers, parents and students of Vescovato School;
Vocational guidance help-desk: in order to reduce the drop-out phenomenon. It carries out information and support activities for young people till 18 years old.
Personalized educational activities, multicultural animation: workshops and activities. Dinners, games and stories of other countries for children and adults;
Big multicultural events: organization and promotion (for municipalities and other institutions) of exhibitions, theatre shows, cinema festivals;
Shelves: the cooperative organizes shelves and multicultural libraries. It creates specials portfolios about music, cinema and books of other cultures.