Cremona: Cooperativa sociale Nonsolonoi per il commercio equo e solidale - english version

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Sede bottega: Matteotti,1
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. Cell: 320 4404033

destinatari dell'ufficio

tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives

Legal seat: Matteotti, 1
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 463800 - Fax 0372 534562

Second address:
Via Cavour, 89/bis
26041 Casalmaggiore CR
Tel. 0375 201802 - Fax 0375 201802

Other seat not in the province:
* World workshop "Equator Group" - corso Garibaldi, 67 - Viadana - Mn - tel.339 3902834

The cooperative Nonsolonoi was born in 1995 in order to promote fair trade and sustainable tourism in Cremona territory. In the cooperative’s workshops its possible to buy food, handicrafts objects, clothes, cleansers and cosmetics: they are all realized with raw materials coming form cooperatives of farmers and craftsmen of the South World countries. In the workshops you can also buy wedding presents.
You can cooperate to the workshop as volunteers in the shop and/or to cultural and educational activities promoted on the territory or becoming members of the cooperative (membership fee: 25,82€) and participating to the organizing meetings.
The cooperative organizes and promotes training and cultural meetings to raise citizens’ awareness on the themes concerning differences between South and North of the world. It also organizes solidarity journeys in the South of the world in cooperation with the cooperative Viaggi e Miraggi. During the entire year the cooperative organizes also market stalls, coffee breaks, and buffets with fair trade products.

You must pay a fee.

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