Cremona: Centro di Solidarietà Il Ponte - sportello accoglienza e orientamento al lavoro (english version)

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26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 027450


* Segreteria: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8,30 alle 12,30 e dalle 16,30 alle 18,00
* Sportello Orientamento Lavoro: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9,00 alle 12,30
* Amministrazione: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8,30 alle 12,30.

destinatari dell'ufficio

tutti i cittadiniall citizens
Planning, organization and promotion of volunteering initiatives for social, civil and cultural rights.

The Solidarity Center The Bridge is a voluntary association, duly registered with the regional volunteer since 1996 The CdS operates on the territory since 1991 and currently involves, among employees and volunteers, over thirty people.
The bridge is accredited body c / o the Lombardy Region for the "Design and delivery of training courses and professional guidance and support to work" (SF2, SO1, SO2, SO3), also the Quality Management System of the Center complies with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000.
The bridge belongs to the First Section of the Register of Associations and organizations that carry out activities on behalf of immigrants and to register for the Solidarity Associations Family.

The bridge is accredited by the University for Foreigners of Siena as the seat CILS (Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language)

The Bridge offers the following services:
* ATM Hospitality: through individual interviews operators detect the needs of the people they meet;
* Orientation: orientation activities both formative work, individual and group;
* Accompaniment to work and support in finding employment
* Internships
* Training
* Literacy, intercultural mediation and certification for foreign official familiar with the Italian language
* Help in the study: recovery activities of school subjects, school guidance, courses for children aged 11 to 18 years old;
* Services to families, maid, elder care, baby sitter;
* Tour of solidarity: distribution necessities to individuals and families in need.

Its activities include career guidance, training, study aid, support to individuals and families in need through the distribution of furniture and used clothes

N.B. Accreditation n.5 01/08/2008 for Training and Orientation


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