Crema: Cooperativa sociale Koala - english version

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Via Pandino, 2
26013 Crema CR
Tel. 0373 230188 - Fax 0373 230188

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Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives

*The social cooperative Koala (type A) works in the sector of personal services and, according to its statue, it can work in various intervention areas: education, handicap and psychological unease, professional integration of disadvantaged categories, seniors. Its priorities are education-training for minors, families, handicapped and disadvantaged persons, assistance for persons who are physically or mentally disabled, in-house assistance for seniors and disabled people. It also runs a "Shelter house" (with a kindergarten) for single women with children.

* Shelter house for single women with minors
* Ad personam Services in schools (SAP)
* Activities to fight school drop-outs – parents’ and operators’ training – Youth Meeting Centres and School Support; workshops
* ADM services for public and private institutions
* Management of training projects for socially disadvantaged persons (phisically-psicologically disabled people, ex-drug addicted people, long-term unemployed people, immigrants with residence permits): cook-assistant (various levels), decorator (various levels), family assistant, greenhouses’ technician ...
* Leisure and sport activities for disabled (also psychologically) persons and other activities for free time
* House assistance for disabled people and seniors (SAD)

* For further information and membership please contact the secretary: information materials concerning every kind of proposed activities can be sent by fax or email.


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