Viale De Gasperi, 60 - Centro Direzionale - 3° piano
26013 Crema CR
Tel. 0373 201632 - 0373 202592 - Fax 0373 202417
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Job Information
Employment Centres
Fostering integration among the services and the interventions of labour active policies with the services and the training/vocational guidance in order to make very efficient the labour demand/offer meeting.
The reference organizing model is inspired by a service logic able to ensure, thanks to an accurate analysis of the users’ needs, tailored interventions.
The main goals we want to reach are: reduction job-search time span, better enterprises’ and public institutions’ acquisition of the necessary professional skills through training and re-training of the people who are looking for a job, prevention of young people’s unemployment, placement of adults who are excluded from the labour market, especially disabled people. Fostering employment of women, fighting drop-out phenomenon in adolescents who must follow a complete educational path.
Services for people and services’ provision:
* Vocational guidance interviews are the first step proposed to those who come to the Job Centre or to the Job Centre for Disabled People. This moment is fundamental to complete the personal and professional data and add them to the database (it is very important for the following phases). Group activities: 2 hours. Individual activity: 1 or 2 hours.
* First interviews for disabled people: the service address the subjects of disadvantaged categories (law 68/99) according to the indications of the Disabled People Department of the Province.
* Integration path for foreign people: this service is proposed to foreigners who need to have more information about the labour world and the opportunities offered by the school-training system – group activity: minimum duration 10 hours
* Individual vocational guidance interviews: in order to support the users in improving their skills and define a professional project. Individual activity: duration 4 hours.
* Skills’ and experiences’ audit: for young people and unemployed adults, unemployed women, people with fewer opportunities who need to improve the knowledge of their skills and resources. This service addresses persons who did not have important working experiences. Group activities: 10 hours. Individual activity: 5 hours.
* Active job-search: for disabled people, people with fewer opportunities, unemployed young people and adults, university students who need support for active job-search. It addresses, in particular, those who need to know and improve the job-search tools like, for example, the CV, the motivation letter, the job interview. Group activities: 8-14 hours. Individual activity: max 3 hours.
* Professional skills’ audit: for those who express, during the first interview, the necessity to analyze their working experience. Special attention is paid to those who want to enhance their skills, competences and qualities in the labour market. Individual activity: minimum duration 8 hours.
* Training and vocational guidance internships: the Placement Centre promotes internships. In January 2002 it was created a database for pre-selection where the unemployed persons can candidate themselves; this service addresses the persons who want to have an experience in the working context. The Placement Centre offers the trainee a tutor who can follow him/her during all the phases of the internship. Variable duration (maximum 6 months).
* Internships’ database: it is possible to fill the specific forms at the help-desk of the Placement Centre or you can send them by e-mail at the address: centro.impiego.cremona@provincia.cremona.it.
The offered internships can be seen on the site of the Province. They will also be published on Sunday on the website of the newspaper "La Provincia"; you can candidate yourself before the deadline indicated in the offer.
* Help-job-foreigners Helpdesk: it offers a counselling service to help foreigners (unemployed people or people who are looking for a new job) to define new professional or training paths. One or more individual interviews are organized.
* Eures Help-desk provides, thanks to specific advisory assistance, the users with the necessary information for the European citizens who want to have a working experience/internship/training experience in one of the countries of the European Economic Area (European Union, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein).
The service id provided as an individual interview led by an Eures expert at the Job Centre.
* Publication of job offers and internships
* It is offered a service for: definition of the professional profile on the bases of previous experiences, definition of the professional goal, definition of the CV, research of professional opportunities and promotion of profiles. After the first interview or the operator proposes a group (2 hours) and an individual activity (one hour).
Services for enterprises:
* Provision of the lists of workers selected according to their qualities, place of residence, age, school certificates.
* Information concerning incentives and facilitations for hiring
* Pre-selection of the subjects interested in carrying out a training or vocational guidance internship in companies
* Internships: the companies can ask for the names of available subjects
* Services to public administrations
- Evasione delle richieste di avviamento a selezione per la copertura di posti a tempo determinato e di ruolo ai sensi dell'art. 16 della legge n.56/1987
- Evasione delle richieste di utilizzo dei lavoratori titolari di trattamento previdenziale in prestazioni di lavoro socialmente utile
- Lists of people interested in starting training internships in public administration
* Publications: on Sundays, on the newspaper La Provincia and on Saturdays on the magazine Il Nuovo Torrazzo are published the offers of public institutions; if you are interested you must go to the Centre the next Tuesday from 9,00 am to 12,00 am.
The Job Centre in Cremona works also for: Agnadello, Bagnolo Cremasco, Camisano, Campagnola Cremasca, Capergnanica, Capralba, Casale Cremasco Vidolasco, Casaletto Ceredano, Casaletto di Sopra, Casaletto Vaprio, Castel Gabbiano, Chieve, Credera Rubbiano, Crema, Cremosano, Dovera, Izano, Madignano, Monte Cremasco, Montodine, Moscazzano, Offanengo, Palazzo Pignano, Pandino, Pianengo, Pieranica, Quintano, Ricengo, Ripalta Arpina, Ripalta Cremasca, Ripalta Guerina, Rivolta d'Adda, Torlino Vimercati, Trescore Cremasco, Vaiano Cremasco, Vailate.
Job Information
Employment Centres
Fostering integration among the services and the interventions of labour active policies with the services and the training/vocational guidance in order to make very efficient the labour demand/offer meeting.
The reference organizing model is inspired by a service logic able to ensure, thanks to an accurate analysis of the users’ needs, tailored interventions.
The main goals we want to reach are: reduction job-search time span, better enterprises’ and public institutions’ acquisition of the necessary professional skills through training and re-training of the people who are looking for a job, prevention of young people’s unemployment, placement of adults who are excluded from the labour market, especially disabled people. Fostering employment of women, fighting drop-out phenomenon in adolescents who must follow a complete educational path.
Services for people and services’ provision:
* Vocational guidance interviews are the first step proposed to those who come to the Job Centre or to the Job Centre for Disabled People. This moment is fundamental to complete the personal and professional data and add them to the database (it is very important for the following phases). Group activities: 2 hours. Individual activity: 1 or 2 hours.
* First interviews for disabled people: the service address the subjects of disadvantaged categories (law 68/99) according to the indications of the Disabled People Department of the Province.
* Integration path for foreign people: this service is proposed to foreigners who need to have more information about the labour world and the opportunities offered by the school-training system – group activity: minimum duration 10 hours
* Individual vocational guidance interviews: in order to support the users in improving their skills and define a professional project. Individual activity: duration 4 hours.
* Skills’ and experiences’ audit: for young people and unemployed adults, unemployed women, people with fewer opportunities who need to improve the knowledge of their skills and resources. This service addresses persons who did not have important working experiences. Group activities: 10 hours. Individual activity: 5 hours.
* Active job-search: for disabled people, people with fewer opportunities, unemployed young people and adults, university students who need support for active job-search. It addresses, in particular, those who need to know and improve the job-search tools like, for example, the CV, the motivation letter, the job interview. Group activities: 8-14 hours. Individual activity: max 3 hours.
* Professional skills’ audit: for those who express, during the first interview, the necessity to analyze their working experience. Special attention is paid to those who want to enhance their skills, competences and qualities in the labour market. Individual activity: minimum duration 8 hours.
* Training and vocational guidance internships: the Placement Centre promotes internships. In January 2002 it was created a database for pre-selection where the unemployed persons can candidate themselves; this service addresses the persons who want to have an experience in the working context. The Placement Centre offers the trainee a tutor who can follow him/her during all the phases of the internship. Variable duration (maximum 6 months).
* Internships’ database: it is possible to fill the specific forms at the help-desk of the Placement Centre or you can send them by e-mail at the address: centro.impiego.cremona@provincia.cremona.it.
The offered internships can be seen on the site of the Province. They will also be published on Sunday on the website of the newspaper "La Provincia"; you can candidate yourself before the deadline indicated in the offer.
* Help-job-foreigners Helpdesk: it offers a counselling service to help foreigners (unemployed people or people who are looking for a new job) to define new professional or training paths. One or more individual interviews are organized.
* Eures Help-desk provides, thanks to specific advisory assistance, the users with the necessary information for the European citizens who want to have a working experience/internship/training experience in one of the countries of the European Economic Area (European Union, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein).
The service id provided as an individual interview led by an Eures expert at the Job Centre.
* Publication of job offers and internships
* It is offered a service for: definition of the professional profile on the bases of previous experiences, definition of the professional goal, definition of the CV, research of professional opportunities and promotion of profiles. After the first interview or the operator proposes a group (2 hours) and an individual activity (one hour).
Services for enterprises:
* Provision of the lists of workers selected according to their qualities, place of residence, age, school certificates.
* Information concerning incentives and facilitations for hiring
* Pre-selection of the subjects interested in carrying out a training or vocational guidance internship in companies
* Internships: the companies can ask for the names of available subjects
* Services to public administrations
- Evasione delle richieste di avviamento a selezione per la copertura di posti a tempo determinato e di ruolo ai sensi dell'art. 16 della legge n.56/1987
- Evasione delle richieste di utilizzo dei lavoratori titolari di trattamento previdenziale in prestazioni di lavoro socialmente utile
- Lists of people interested in starting training internships in public administration
* Publications: on Sundays, on the newspaper La Provincia and on Saturdays on the magazine Il Nuovo Torrazzo are published the offers of public institutions; if you are interested you must go to the Centre the next Tuesday from 9,00 am to 12,00 am.
The Job Centre in Cremona works also for: Agnadello, Bagnolo Cremasco, Camisano, Campagnola Cremasca, Capergnanica, Capralba, Casale Cremasco Vidolasco, Casaletto Ceredano, Casaletto di Sopra, Casaletto Vaprio, Castel Gabbiano, Chieve, Credera Rubbiano, Crema, Cremosano, Dovera, Izano, Madignano, Monte Cremasco, Montodine, Moscazzano, Offanengo, Palazzo Pignano, Pandino, Pianengo, Pieranica, Quintano, Ricengo, Ripalta Arpina, Ripalta Cremasca, Ripalta Guerina, Rivolta d'Adda, Torlino Vimercati, Trescore Cremasco, Vaiano Cremasco, Vailate.