26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 4901 - Fax 0372 21396
Lunedì dalle ore 8,35 alle 12,30 e dalle ore 14,30 alle 15,30; Mercoledì dalle ore 8,35 alle 16,00; martedì, giovedì e venerdì dalle ore 8,35 alle 12,30
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
It carries out general activities for enterprises
CCIAA Services:
* Companies’ Register (it’s an IT register with information on all the Italian companies) for the release of certificates and cadastral surveys, copies of acts and turnovers (joint-stock companies must present every year the turnover).
* Handicraft Enterprises Register (the Register is updated by the Provincial Commission for Handicrafts at the Chamber of Commerce. If a company is registered it can get the “qualification” of handicraft enterprise and can get funds destined to these kinds of companies.
* Registers, lists and roles (business mediators, salesmen, public means of transports’ drivers, experts, legal persons’ register).
* Market regulations (Conciliation service, arbitrate chamber, collection of provincial practices, wholesale prices, prizes for contests, trademarks, management of information register about protests in the province, metric office).
* Licences and authorizations (milling licences, general wholesales).
* Environment (M.U.D. model: it is the Environmental Declaration Form which testifies the environmental impact of production processes for companies which produce or manage waste).
* Foreign affairs (certificates: goods’ origin certificates, ATA Carnet, stamps on invoices and other documents for foreign countries, mecanographic number; IT services and personalized assistance on all the topics concerning foreign trade; promotional services: organization of economic missions abroad, collective participation to exhibitions and fairs abroad).
Other services:
* Library: it collects all the publications of the Chamber of Commerce and provides documentation support to those who want to make researches about the economic history of Cremona and its Province. There are national and local newspaper, specialized magazines/newspapers (law, economy, trade, statistics...) and the most important ISTAT publications. It’s possible to look through the official journals of Italian Republic and the Official Journal of Lombardy Region.
* Historical Archive: there are documents (statues, etc) and objects concerning trade activities of the 14th and 19th century, part of them are in the mirrors.
* New Enterprise Helpdesk: it can help those who want to be entrepreneurs at the beginning of their activities, providing information, training, counselling and assistance. The service can meet the various needs of the labour market. The services are free so that the new entrepreneurs do not have to pay for them and can save money.
* Servimpresa: it aims at promoting all the services for enterprises’ development; in particular it works for qualification, re-qualification and updating of the entrepreneurs and their assistants. It provides training for future entrepreneurs, economic and professional officials and civil servants.
Job Information
It carries out general activities for enterprises
CCIAA Services:
* Companies’ Register (it’s an IT register with information on all the Italian companies) for the release of certificates and cadastral surveys, copies of acts and turnovers (joint-stock companies must present every year the turnover).
* Handicraft Enterprises Register (the Register is updated by the Provincial Commission for Handicrafts at the Chamber of Commerce. If a company is registered it can get the “qualification” of handicraft enterprise and can get funds destined to these kinds of companies.
* Registers, lists and roles (business mediators, salesmen, public means of transports’ drivers, experts, legal persons’ register).
* Market regulations (Conciliation service, arbitrate chamber, collection of provincial practices, wholesale prices, prizes for contests, trademarks, management of information register about protests in the province, metric office).
* Licences and authorizations (milling licences, general wholesales).
* Environment (M.U.D. model: it is the Environmental Declaration Form which testifies the environmental impact of production processes for companies which produce or manage waste).
* Foreign affairs (certificates: goods’ origin certificates, ATA Carnet, stamps on invoices and other documents for foreign countries, mecanographic number; IT services and personalized assistance on all the topics concerning foreign trade; promotional services: organization of economic missions abroad, collective participation to exhibitions and fairs abroad).
Other services:
* Library: it collects all the publications of the Chamber of Commerce and provides documentation support to those who want to make researches about the economic history of Cremona and its Province. There are national and local newspaper, specialized magazines/newspapers (law, economy, trade, statistics...) and the most important ISTAT publications. It’s possible to look through the official journals of Italian Republic and the Official Journal of Lombardy Region.
* Historical Archive: there are documents (statues, etc) and objects concerning trade activities of the 14th and 19th century, part of them are in the mirrors.
* New Enterprise Helpdesk: it can help those who want to be entrepreneurs at the beginning of their activities, providing information, training, counselling and assistance. The service can meet the various needs of the labour market. The services are free so that the new entrepreneurs do not have to pay for them and can save money.
* Servimpresa: it aims at promoting all the services for enterprises’ development; in particular it works for qualification, re-qualification and updating of the entrepreneurs and their assistants. It provides training for future entrepreneurs, economic and professional officials and civil servants.