26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 4171 - Fax 0372 417340
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Professionals’ Association
Provincial enterprises of all the productive sectors
* Entrepreneurs’ Association of Cremona Province represents the industrial sector of the territory. Aic is made up of provincial enterprises of all the productive sectors.
The Association has a series of goals:
* Fostering entrepreneurial behaviours in the context of a free development society;
* Representing the Associated enterprises in their relationships with institutions, administrations, economic/political/union/social organizations and other stakeholders. Spurring cooperation in order to support territorial progress and development;
* Safeguarding the interests of the Associated Enterprises concerning their economic, union and fiscal activities. Definition of work contracts, resolution of disputes, assistance for employees’ management;
* Organizing, in a direct or not direct way, researches and analysis, debates and conferences on economic and social themes. It promotes the implementation of industrial economic policies and updating processes of public administrations in order to create a competitive context for the productive system. It also organizes General Meetings of the enterprises where it’s possible to speak about political, economical and social important themes;
* It collects news and data concerning entrepreneurship: It offers support to its members for general and specific problems concerning this sector;
* If it’s necessary, it chooses its representatives in institutions, administrations, commissions and organizations in general.
Other services:
* AIC manages a clear and updated database called Banca Dati Trovastage. You can candidate yourself to participate to an internship in a company of the territory.
* Aic manages also the free database called Banca Dati Lavorare a Cremona. It helped young people to enter the labour market and supports the company in human resources’ selection.
Job Information
Professionals’ Association
Provincial enterprises of all the productive sectors
* Entrepreneurs’ Association of Cremona Province represents the industrial sector of the territory. Aic is made up of provincial enterprises of all the productive sectors.
The Association has a series of goals:
* Fostering entrepreneurial behaviours in the context of a free development society;
* Representing the Associated enterprises in their relationships with institutions, administrations, economic/political/union/social organizations and other stakeholders. Spurring cooperation in order to support territorial progress and development;
* Safeguarding the interests of the Associated Enterprises concerning their economic, union and fiscal activities. Definition of work contracts, resolution of disputes, assistance for employees’ management;
* Organizing, in a direct or not direct way, researches and analysis, debates and conferences on economic and social themes. It promotes the implementation of industrial economic policies and updating processes of public administrations in order to create a competitive context for the productive system. It also organizes General Meetings of the enterprises where it’s possible to speak about political, economical and social important themes;
* It collects news and data concerning entrepreneurship: It offers support to its members for general and specific problems concerning this sector;
* If it’s necessary, it chooses its representatives in institutions, administrations, commissions and organizations in general.
Other services:
* AIC manages a clear and updated database called Banca Dati Trovastage. You can candidate yourself to participate to an internship in a company of the territory.
* Aic manages also the free database called Banca Dati Lavorare a Cremona. It helped young people to enter the labour market and supports the company in human resources’ selection.