26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 1877838 - Fax 0372 529967
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives
- Social-educational activities with prevention purposes
- Social planning
- Social-educational services’ management
* Training and vocational guidance courses for parents, educators and teachers of the territory
* Animation activities
* Activities in the prevention sector
* Social assistance help-desks
* Conventions for educational services in small municipalities
* Cooperation with driving schools for training and information to users about the use/misuse of drugs
* Family kindergartens
* Planning activities
* Educational services in boarding schools
* Integration school projects for minors and extra-EU young people
Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives
- Social-educational activities with prevention purposes
- Social planning
- Social-educational services’ management
* Training and vocational guidance courses for parents, educators and teachers of the territory
* Animation activities
* Activities in the prevention sector
* Social assistance help-desks
* Conventions for educational services in small municipalities
* Cooperation with driving schools for training and information to users about the use/misuse of drugs
* Family kindergartens
* Planning activities
* Educational services in boarding schools
* Integration school projects for minors and extra-EU young people