Via de' Berenzani, 14
26100 Cremona CR
Tel. 0372 76091 - Fax 0372 769084
destinatari dell'ufficio
tutti i cittadini
Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives
The cooperative works for professional integration of those persons who are usually excluded from the labour market because they are not considered adequate.
The social cooperative “The Hornet” is a job-place where the members of the Association "Community Pope John XXIII" can find a possibility to use their specific skills.
The Cooperative is not only a possibility to develop individual working skills, but it is an educational environment which offers opportunity for the comprehensive growth of every person.
Activities :
The main activities are: metal carpentry with specific machines and manual/semi-automatic trimming.
Job Information
Cremona and its Province cooperatives
The cooperative works for professional integration of those persons who are usually excluded from the labour market because they are not considered adequate.
The social cooperative “The Hornet” is a job-place where the members of the Association "Community Pope John XXIII" can find a possibility to use their specific skills.
The Cooperative is not only a possibility to develop individual working skills, but it is an educational environment which offers opportunity for the comprehensive growth of every person.
Activities :
The main activities are: metal carpentry with specific machines and manual/semi-automatic trimming.